Dr. Patty Sadallah, as God’s Encounter Facilitator, helps connect you with God in practical ways so you can build memories with Him personally. In each episode, we look at life issue topics and the Scripture that addresses them. Using a Biblically-based skill called dialogue journaling, the listener learns how to tap into God directly using the language of the heart. Also, listeners hear what Jesus Himself had to say about life issues, scripture, and your identity as He tells and shows you insights using dialogue journaling. What does Jesus have to say to you personally about your life challenges and your Christ Identity? Find out with the facilitated encounters at the end of each podcast. Once you know how to ask Jesus yourself, He becomes your Heavenly Father, Teacher, Counselor, Shepherd, Healer, Friend, etc. These are intimate Names, and they are His Names for a reason! NEW TO THIS PODCAST, BEGIN WITH THE TRAILER EPISODE! https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/trailer-episode-experience-jesus-with-dr-patty-sadallah/

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
How to Make Godly Decisions Flashback
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
In this "How-To" episode, we will look at how to make decisions that are aligned with God's perfect will using a model called The Leader's Paradigm, or as I like to refer to it as; the Six Pillars of Decision Making by Dr. Mark Virkler. We will dive into each of these six ways God gives direction in detail: 1. Illumined Scripture, 2. Illumined thoughts, 3. Illumined witness in your heart, 4. Illumined counsel by others, 5. Illumined understanding of life experiences and 6. Illumined revelation from dreams, visions, dialogue journaling, and prophecy. Each pillar is grounded in a scripture reference and Dr. Patty shares stories and tips about how to connect with God in each one. She shares a story of what it looks like to make a decision when all of the six pillars line up. Jesus shows you what you need to do to align with a decision you are wrestling with in your Experience Jesus encountering exercise.
Links referenced in this episode:
New to the Podcast? Check out the Trailer Episode for the Biblical Foundation for Experiencing Jesus! https://PattyEJ.Podbean.com/e/trailer-episode-experience-jesus-with-dr-patty-sadallah
The Special Place Encounter Exercise https://bit.ly/3cEkYBC
The Leader's Paradigm Model by Dr. Mark Virkler https://bit.ly/3HbsCjg
Christian Leadership University https://cluonline.com
How to Live a Worry Free Life by Dr. Patty Sadallah https://pattysadallah.com/product/how-to-live-a-worry-free-life-just-ask-jesus-book-1/
Encountering God Toolbox https://pattysadallah.com/product/the-encountering-god-toolbox/
Get Two Free Chapters of the Experience Jesus Book Series https://PattySadallah.com/Free-Gift/
Check out all of Dr. Patty's books, journals, and downloadable resources at her bookstore, and don't forget to use the code EJPOD to receive 10% off everything, even the things on sale. https://PattySadallah.com/shop/
And please make sure you share this podcast and share how you were blessed by this episode by commenting below! THANKS!

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
The Truth andTwo Lies: Are you Being Deceived?
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
In this "identity" episode, Dr. Patty dives into what it looks like to reflect true Biblical Christianity as compared to the counterfeit worldviews of the Pharisees of the Bible or the modern-day self-righteous religious spirit and the New Age belief system. She is referencing what she learned from the book Am I Being Deceived? by Drs. Mark and Patti Virkler. No one counterfeits anything that is not real or valuable. True Biblical Christianity combines the Word of God with the Holy Spirit with His interpretation and power. the New Age belief system is Lie number one which espouses the belief in the spiritual realm apart from God as its source and leader. So it is spirit without the Bible as a guide. This lie opens participants to dark spiritual forces that can damage the soul and keep them from eternal life. Pharisaicalsm or the self-righteous religious spirit believes in the Word of God apart from the Holy Spirit. This worldview as people begin with their own minds to understand the Bible, with an emphasis on the rules of the Bible, being known more for what they are against than what they are for. Leaving out the Holy Spirit and His nature and character causes them to reflect an unloving, distant, and punishing God. Dr. Patty summarizes an interesting Barna Research study on the worldview of American Christians that reveals the costs of believing and living according to the counterfeits. Jesus shares His heart on this subject and leads you on a path to discover His will for you in the Experience Jesus encounter time.
Links references in this episode:
New to the Podcast? Check out the Trailer Episode for the Biblical Foundation for Experiencing Jesus! https://PattyEJ.Podbean.com/e/trailer-episode-experience-jesus-with-dr-patty-sadallah
The Special Place Encounter Exercise https://bit.ly/3cEkYBC
Am I Being Deceived by Drs. Mark and Patti Virkler https://www.cwgministries.org/store/am-i-being-deceived-ebook
Are Christians More Like Jesus or Pharisees Barna Study https://www.barna.com/research/christians-more-like-jesus-or-pharisees/
Get Two Free Chapters of the Experience Jesus Book Series https://pattysadallah.com/free-gift/
Check out all of Dr. Patty's books, journals, and downloadable resources at her bookstore, and don't forget to use the code EJPOD to receive 10% off everything, even the things on sale. https://PattySadallah.com/shop/
Check out Dr. Patty's latest book- Encountering the POWER of God: Experience Jesus Book 4
And please make sure you share this podcast and share how you were blessed by this episode by commenting below! THANKS!

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
How to Be Still and Know...
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
In the "how-to" episode Dr. Patty takes a deep dive into the extended version of Psalm 46:10a. Be still, let go, cease striving, relax and know that I AM God.., She shares the biblical meanings of the keywords in this verse so you can get a deeper understanding of the power and intentions of these commands. In this verse, Jesus shares some interesting metaphors to help you know what He intends for you. And He explains the difference between knowing about Him and knowing Him intimately. Jesus shows you what it would look like for you to be living the truth of this verse in your Experience Jesus encounter time.
Links referenced in this episode:
How to Guard your Heart https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/how-to-guard-your-heart/
Healing your Emotional Wounds with the Comforter https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/healing-your-emotional-wounds-with-the-comforter/
Article about brain waves https://blog.mindvalley.com/science-behind-brainwaves/
Mark your calendar for our Deeper Spirit Life Workshop, May 12-14, 2023 in Cleveland, Ohio right on the beach of Lake Erie. The website will be updated soon for this one. https://SpiritLifeWorkshops.com
Get Two Free Chapters of the Experience Jesus Book Series https://pattysadallah.com/free-gift/
Check out all of Dr. Patty's books, journals, and downloadable resources at her bookstore, and don't forget to use the code EJPOD to receive 10% off everything, even the things on sale. https://PattySadallah.com/shop/
Check out Dr. Patty's latest book- Encountering the DIRECTION of God: Experience Jesus Book 3

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
How to Teach People How to Experience Jesus
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
In this "how-to" episode, Dr. Patty shares how to talk about and teach people how to experience Jesus through dialogue journaling. She walks you through the steps of sharing the technique including; 1. sharing your story about how learning this skill has improved your relationship with Jesus, 2. showing how natural and normal it is to hear God's voice, 3. addressing the differences between dialogue journaling and New Age connecting with spirits, 4. Sharing the 4 Keys to hearing God's voice and stating its biblical foundation, 5. managing expectations as you prepare for your encounter with Jesus, and 6. establishing a special place as your inner child. Jesus shares why it is important to Him for people to learn how to connect with Him personally and when you teach people how to do that they, you, and He are blessed. He challenges you to teach someone in your life how to dialogue journal and He promises to guide the process in your Experience Jesus encounter time.
Links referenced in this episode.
The Special Place encounter facilitated by Dr. Patty https://bit.ly/2g8v8iu
The Trailer Episode https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/trailer-episode-experience-jesus-with-dr-patty-sadallah/
Mark your calendar for our Deeper Spirit Life Workshop, May 12-14, 2023 in Cleveland, Ohio right on the beach of Lake Erie. The website will be updated soon for this one. https://SpiritLifeWorkshops.com
Get Two Free Chapters of the Experience Jesus Book Series https://pattysadallah.com/free-gift/
Check out all of Dr. Patty's books, journals, and downloadable resources at her bookstore, and don't forget to use the code EJPOD to receive 10% off everything, even the things on sale. https://PattySadallah.com/shop/
Check out Dr. Patty's latest book- Encountering the DIRECTION of God: Experience Jesus Book 3

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Increasing your Intimacy with Jesus: Back to the Basics Part 1
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
In this "how-to" and "identity" episode, we will look at some basic questions and answers about how to increase your intimacy and, make the most out of your encounters with Jesus. Jesus shares why He wanted me to create the Experience Jesus podcast. Dr. Patty addresses the Biblical truths that we have the ability and authority to connect with God personally and she explains the difference between what we do and what new agers do when they encounter the spirit realm. Why do we use the tool of dialogue journaling and why do you always begin your encounters in your special place? Why does encountering Jesus as your inner child help with your trust and faith in God? Dr. Patty recommends several other Experience Jesus podcasts that will help you go deeper into each of these questions and you meet Jesus in your special place and see what He has added for you there as a gift.
Links referenced in this episode:
The Experience Jesus Trailer Episode: https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/trailer-episode-experience-jesus-with-dr-patty-sadallah/
Your Christ Identity and the Power of Child-like Faith https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/your-christ-identity-and-the-power-of-childlike-faith/
100 Verses about How God Speaks to You https://www.openbible.info/topics/god_speaking_to_you
Is God Really There? Addressing the Skeptic's Conundrums Part 1 https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/is-god-really-there-addressing-the-skeptics-conundrums-part-1/
Love, Mercy and Cooperating with the Promise Keeper https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/love-mercy-and-cooperating-with-the-promise-keeper/
Encounter God by His Names https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/encounter-god-by-his-names/
Get Two Free Chapters of the Experience Jesus Book Series https://pattysadallah.com/free-gift/
Check out all of Dr. Patty's books, journals, and downloadable resources at her bookstore, and don't forget to use the code EJPOD to receive 10% off everything, even the things on sale. https://PattySadallah.com/shop/

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Understanding and Cooperating with the Law of Sowing and Reaping
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
In this "How-To" episode, we will look closely at the Parable of the Sower which reached the Law of Sowing and Reaping. We will explore the four soils of the heart and learn about what is required to have good soil. What is the significance of the seed and how can everything be one? What can be learned about this spiritual law by looking at the natural way God has created plants to grow. What are the seven biblical keys for sowing blessings and how can you incorporate them into your life? Jesus shares the important conditions required for Him to be motivated to multiply blessings for you. You will examine the garden of your heart with Jesus and allow Him to show you what is needed for you to live out the fruit-bearing destiny that He created you for in your Experience Jesus encounter.
Links referenced in this episode:
Understanding God's Financial Destiny for You https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/understanding-god-s-financial-destiny-for-you/
Get Two Free Chapters of the Experience Jesus Book Series https://pattysadallah.com/free-gift/
Check out all of Dr. Patty's books, journals, and downloadable resources at her bookstore, and don't forget to use the code EJPOD to receive 10% off everything, even the things on sale. https://PattySadallah.com/shop/
Check out our upcoming Breakthrough Spirit Life Workshop on October 21-23, 2022 in Oregon. https://SpiritLifeWorkshops.com

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Is God Really There? Addressing the Skeptics Conundrums Part 1
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
This episode is part of a three-part series inspired by questions posed by a sincere skeptic wrestling with what he describes as three major conundrums about God and Christianity. This episode will address conundrum number one: the apparent hiddenness of God; Is God really there? What is the proper starting place for connecting with God? Jesus explains the purposes of the body, soul, and spirit and their relationship to connecting with God. He also clarifies the difference between knowing about God at a distance and knowing intimately about Him. Who is God and Is it logical to believe that Jesus is the Messiah? Dr. Patty shares the biblical backup and the practical steps of connecting with God. How can you be sure that you are hearing from God? How is connecting this way different than what new agers do? Dr. Patty directly facilitates a special place encounter with Jesus in your Experience Jesus time. Once you have this special place, you can meet Jesus there at any time and build more memories with Him and ask Him anything.
Links referenced in this episode
Body Soul, Spirit and Choices Diagram https://bit.ly/3bHxZfu
The 353 Messianic Prophecies from Old Testament to New Testament Fulfillment https://accordingtothescriptures.org/prophecy/353prophecies.html
Prophetic Proof film by Echoing Praise http://bit.ly/1btqS0H
The Trailer Episode that gives the Biblical Foundation for Experiencing Jesus https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/trailer-episode-experience-jesus-with-dr-patty-sadallah/
Your Christ Identity and the Secret Power of Childlike Faith https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/your-christ-identity-and-the-power-of-childlike-faith/
Salvation: The Great Exchange and your Inheritance Now https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/salvation-the-great-exchange-and-your-inheritance-now/
Encountering God in His Creation https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/encountering-god-in-his-creation/
The Special Place Encounter https://www.dropbox.com/s/0fdkgmte10czf94/special%20place%20jaj1.m4a?dl=0
Get Two Free Chapters of the Experience Jesus Book Series https://pattysadallah.com/free-gift/
Check out all of Dr. Patty's books, journals, and downloadable resources at her bookstore, and don't forget to use the code EJPOD to receive 10% off everything, even the things on sale. https://PattySadallah.com/shop/
Check out our upcoming Breakthrough Spirit Life Workshop on October 21-23, 2022 in Oregon. https://SpiritLifeWorkshops.com

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Understanding the Gifts of Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
This "How-To" episode takes a detailed look at the Holy Spirit manifestation gifts of Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues. Jesus explains about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and what the gifts related to tongues are and why He gave them to all believers. Dr. Patty shares the two different types of tongues in the Bible and shares examples of both types being released in her own life. Why should you want to speak or pray in tongues every day? And how to do release your heavenly language if you have not already done so. What does the Interpretation of Tongues look like in a practical sense? Jesus shares His heart about this gift by connecting us to a song that He inspired about it. And He guides you to the releasing of your heavenly language and shows you how to increase your gift of the interpretation of tongues in your experience with Him.
Links referenced in this episode:
Salvation: The Great Exchange and your Inheritance Now https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/salvation-the-great-exchange-and-your-inheritance-now/
Understanding and Releasing the Manifestation Gifts of the Holy Spirit https://pattyej.podbean.com/e/understanding-and-releasing-the-manifestation-gifts-of-the-holy-spirit/
Native Tongue by Switchfoot https://youtu.be/FFxJ_CIwA_M
Dr. Mark Virkler Speaking in Tongues Part 1 https://youtu.be/N3mb8gJyLzU
Dr. Mark Virkler Speaking in Tongues Part 2 https://youtu.be/yD-v03YL7rc
Get 2 Free Chapters of the Experience Jesus Book Series https://PattySadallah.com/free-gift/
Check out all of Dr. Patty's books, journals, and downloadable resources at her bookstore, and don't forget to use the code EJPOD to receive 10% off everything, even the things on sale. https://PattySadallah.com/shop/

Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
How to Make Godly Life Decisions
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
In this "How-To" episode, we will look at how to make decisions that are aligned with God's perfect will using a model called The Leader's Paradigm, or as I like to refer to it as; the Six Pillars of Decision Making by Dr. Mark Virkler. We will dive into each of these six ways God gives direction in detail: 1. Illumined Scripture, 2. Illumined thoughts, 3. Illumined witness in your heart, 4. Illumined counsel by others, 5. Illumined understanding of life experiences and 6. Illumined revelation from dreams, visions, dialogue journaling, and prophecy. Each pillar is grounded in a scripture reference and Dr. Patty shares stories and tips about how to connect with God in each one. She shares a story of what it looks like to make a decision when all of the six pillars line up. Jesus shows you what you need to do to align with a decision you are wrestling with in your encountering exercise.
Links referenced in this episode:
The Leader's Paradigm Model by Dr. Mark Virkler https://bit.ly/3HbsCjg
Christian Leadership University https://cluonline.com
Get Two Free Chapters of the Experience Jesus Book Series https://PattySadallah.com/Free-Gift/
Check out all of Dr. Patty's books, journals, and downloadable resources at her bookstore, and don't forget to use the code EJPOD to receive 10% off everything, even the things on sale. https://PattySadallah.com/shop/

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Trailer Episode Experience Jesus with Dr. Patty Sadallah
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Dr. Patty Sadallah shares how she became God's Encounter Facilitator and the specific processes and biblical foundation for directly encountering God by His various Names. Jesus explains the difference between knowing about Him and knowing Him with a simple metaphor. Take a two-question test to assess your capability to experience Jesus directly and have your first facilitated Jesus encounter!
Links referenced in this episode:
955 Names of God with Biblical references https://christiananswers.net/dictionary/namesofgod.html
The Special Place Encounter: https://bit.ly/3cEkYBC
Get Two Free Chapters of the Experience Jesus Series: https://pattysadallah.com/free-gift
For all of Dr. Patty's books and downloads, check out https://pattysadallah.com/shop